The play behind Melania Trump’s delayed defense of her nude pictures

As part of the Trump family’s larger efforts to snatch every MAGA dupe’s nickel in the last days of the campaign season, Melania Trump — well, someone purporting to be Melania Trump, anyway — wrote a book. While her husband, Donald Trump, travels around the country with white nationalist Laura Loomer by his handsy side, Melania Trump has been releasing book promotion videos that are equal parts vapid and uncanny. The latest raised eyebrows mostly because Melania Trump is defending herself […]
The play behind Melania Trump’s delayed defense of her nude pictures

Melania Trump Puts Herself in the Pantheon of Art Historical Nudes – Artnet News

The former First Lady is defending her earlier modeling career in a video promoting her new memoir.
Former First Lady and ex-model Melania Trump is currently prepping to drop her memoir on the world.
Titled simply Melania, it is touted as “an intimate portrait of a woman who has lived an extraordinary life,” containing previously unseen images and stories. As part of her roll-out, Melania’s been teasing snippets of the book in a series of clips on X: in one, she expounds on the “immense […]
Melania Trump Puts Herself in the Pantheon of Art Historical Nudes – Artnet News